Saturday, January 4, 2014

The flu grinch who stole Christmas

The flu finally caught up with me. I spent the last 24 hours wishing I would die. After trying various cocktails of OTC drugs to no avail, the only thing that has helped has been NyQuil, due to its ability to knock me out cold. I'm seriously considering just drinking a fresh dose every time I wake up until this nightmare is over. My ass hurts, and I can't tell if it's from lying around so much or from the joint aches that come with this adorable disease. I finally managed to drag myself into the shower, where I thought for sure I was going to cough up my left lung. Have you ever coughed so hard that you nearly knocked yourself down? I'm so done with this.

Husband seems to be getting slightly better, which is a relief because who else would take care of our boy? Boy seems to be feeling better at times, with periods of intense whiny/clingy-ness parsed out at unpredictable intervals. No OTC meds appear to help him feel better either. 

Flu: now that you have effectively ruined what remained of our Christmas vacation, please now get the fuck out.

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